20 Oct 2022

Government is failing in its job to create stable environment for businesses, says East Midlands Chamber after PM’s resignation

Responding to Prime Minister Liz Truss’ announcement of her resignation, East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire) chief executive Scott Knowles said: “One of the roles of Government is to create an environment where businesses can thrive in order to create jobs, stimulate economic investment and generate wealth.

“This endless saga of political instability is anything but that and, once again, businesses are left to pick up the pieces.

“For months, they have had to endure a relentless cycle of uncertainty that has created a zero-confidence environment, hampering their ability to plan ahead and invest.

“They can at least take some consolation from the fact they won’t have to sit through another lengthy leadership election. But once a new Prime Minister is in place within the next week, they will expect the chosen individual to work with firms to find solutions to the increasing pile of challenges they face as the crisis in the cost of doing business deepens.”