13 May 2024

Quarterly Economic Survey for Q2 2024 launched

Picture of cash and a financial chart

East Midlands Chamber’s Quarterly Economic Survey for the second quarter of 2024 has opened.  Businesses across the region are invited to participate in the research that will close on 10th June.

East Midlands Chamber Head of Special Projects Richard Blackmore said: “The Quarterly Economic Survey is about the most effective indicator we have on the economic performance and trends in the East Midlands.  What gives this research such significance is that it’s focused purely on this region, where the picture is totally different to other parts of the UK.  The range of business types, their size and scale is so broad that we get a good steer on everything from ease of recruitment to growth potential to the health of order books.  The research is recognised by the government, the Bank of England and economists so is invaluable in tracking the state of play in the East Midlands.”

To participate in the Q2 2024 Quarterly Economic Survey, click here.

Excerpts from East Midlands Chamber’s Quarterly Economic Survey Q1, 2024

  • 59% of respondents expected turnover to improve over the next 12 months (up 3% from last quarter)
  • 45% expected a lift in profitability over the next 12 months (up 4% from last quarter)
  • Businesses trying to recruit that reported difficulties finding staff fell by 8% to 64%
  • 41% of respondents reported cash flow as having remained constant over the last three months
  • 56% of respondents expect prices to remain the same over the next three months
  • 45% of respondents reported UK orders remaining unchanged over the last three months while 29% saw an increase in UK orders
  • 66% of respondents said labour costs were the main reason to feel pressure to raise prices