14 May 2024

Increase in economically active population in East Midlands

Picture of job interview panel

The amount of economically active people (aged 16-64) in the East Midlands has risen to 79%, according to latest estimated figures from the Office for National Statistics.

East Midlands Chamber Head of Special Projects Richard Blackmore said: “The continuing lift in the number of economically active people returning to work in the East Midlands is encouraging and will help in driving up overall employment across the region, which has increased to 74.6%.  With a 2.8% drop in vacancies across the country there have been fewer jobs for the taking. Our most recent Quarterly Economic Survey showed 64% of respondents that had been actively trying to recruit staff found it difficult to find a suitable candidate.  When you combine the drop in vacancies with a lack of people with matching skills needed when there is a role available, you get a picture of the obstacles faced.

“The unemployment rate in the East Midlands has fallen to 5.6%, which I would hope is a sign of improving times ahead. We can’t sit back; with a General Election on the horizon a key chamber message is for Government to support business and educators in upskilling the available workforce to meet the region’s needs.  Our Manifesto for Growth 2024 clearly underlines the need for the government to prioritise the skills shortage so the East Midlands labour force can be swelled with candidates who can hit the ground running.”