Generation Next

Generation Next Members Only – Unlocking your Project Management Skills

Personal Development, Leadership & Management

05/11/2024 9:30 am

05/11/2024 10:30 am


Generation Next Members: Free

Book a place


For further information on this event, please contact: Generation Next Team on 0333 320 0333 or email


This event is exclusively for members of Generation Next.

Generation Next will delve into the intricacies of project management, to enable you to gain invaluable insights and practical tips to enhance your organisation skills.


This month’s interactive session will cover essential strategies to streamline processes, overcome challenges, and elevate project outcomes.

What outcomes can you expect from joining us

• Master effective communication within a project team.
• Understand agile methodologies that you can adapt to changing project requirements.
• Learn project management tools for efficient planning and execution.
• Understand managing project risks and mitigating potential obstacles.
• Gain insight and enhance stakeholder engagement for project buy-in and success.

book your place

Are you interested in attending this event? Book today to secure your place.
Booking Form

Looking to book for our event?

Please complete with delegate details, we can only accept one delegate booking per form. If you wish to book multiple delegates, please email or complete a form for each delegate.