Export Documentation Services

When importing or exporting, the right paperwork is crucial. Not getting this right can increase risks, lead to possible delays, additional costs or even stop a deal from being completed.

How can East Midlands Chamber help?

The Chamber transforms this potentially confusing and complicated element of international trade into a smooth process, with our export docs service trusted and used throughout the year by businesses of all sizes – with around 20,000 export documents issued each year for clients, accompanying over £500m worth of goods.

Types of certificates

Certificates of Origin, EUR1s and Import Certificates

Many exports require documentation for legal and commercial reasons. Having the relevant, appropriate and correctly completed documentation is one of the most complex and potentially problematic areas for a new export business to navigate, and therefore one of the biggest barriers to effective exporting.

The UK Certificate of Origin (CO) is a commercial or Customs clearance requirement in some countries to evidence the origin of the goods and may be called for in any country worldwide. We can assist and guide you through the entire process, saving your business time and effort.
The Chamber has similar expertise in handling EUR1s– which could save your business money. A EUR1 enables importers in certain countries to import goods at a reduced or nil rate of import duty under trade agreements between the EU and beneficiary countries.

our international team

Experienced in Processing and Certifying

The Chamber’s international team is vastly experienced in processing and certifying Certificates of Origin and EUR1s– taking away the worry of export documentation. Here are just some examples of the documentation types we can facilitate:

Arab Certificate of Origin

Arab Certificate of Origin is issued for goods that are being sold and permanently exported to Arab League countries.

UK Certificate of Origin

UK Certificate of Origin is issued for goods that are being sold and permanently exported to non-Arab countries as well as Egypt and Iran.

EUR1 Movement Certificate

EUR1 Movement Certificate is used to support claims for preferential (usually zero) rates of duty in the country of importation. To qualify the goods must 'originate' in the UK and be supported by a correctly completed and endorsed EUR1.

Import and other certificates

Import and other certificates are required depending on the country and/or situation. The Chamber can advise and handle these processes for you.

e-Cert Online

Exporters can access the documentation service quickly and effectively on-line via the Chamber’s e-Cert service. Sign-up for an account to apply for documents electronically.


Arab-British and Egypt Certificates

If your exports take you to any of the Arab States or to Egypt, you will more than likely find that documentation is required. The Chamber can assist in enabling you to obtain an Arab Certificate of Origin, issued for goods being sold and permanently exported to Arab League countries.

An Arab-British Certificate of Origin may also be requested by the importing company. Arab Certificates of Origin may be used for Arab League States for the following; Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.

Support and Guidance available

We are able to provide you with any information you may need.