professional support & advice

Chamber HR, Legal, Tax & VAT, and Health & Safety Services

Specialist advisers, advice lines and business documents.


Members have exclusive access to four business advice lines, specialist advisers, over 750 free business documents and £1m of excess-free insurance.

Brought to you by Quest for your protection and peace of mind, you can access expert support to help you run your business and stay compliant. Whether you have general questions or need advice on a complex issue, our support covers HR, legal, health and safety, tax and VAT matters.

Quest Services

Specialist advisers are available every day of the year to answer your questions and to support you with complex issues relating to the four areas below.

member benefit

Chamber HR

Access employment law and human resource advice from HR specialists Quest.

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member benefit

Chamber Health and Safety

Access advice and support on health and safety regulations in the workplace.

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Member benefit

Chamber Legal

Access advice and support on disputes and legal matters including debt recovery.

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member benefit

Chamber Tax and VAT

Access advice and support on tax and VAT including HMRC investigations.

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Exclusive Benefits

Over 750 documents available in the library

£1m of excess free insurance

Specialist business support

Advice lines open 365 days a year

Chamber HR

Get practical HR support whenever you need it with unlimited access to qualified employment law and HR specialists. Members can receive advice on a wide range of issues, including employee absenteeism, disciplinaries and redundancies. Members also have access to a documents library containing HR templates, such as contracts and employee handbooks. Your £1m excess-free insurance will help you defend employee disputes.

Get peace of mind by speaking to a HR expert. Call the Chamber HR advice line on 01455 852037. Members don’t have to book a call, simply pick up the phone. You will receive clear, friendly and practical advice to help you make big decisions or to resolve a HR matter.

Chamber Health and Safety

Employers must understand the latest health and safety regulations in the workplace to keep people safe and to stay compliant. Members have unlimited access to our specialist health and safety advisory service. As a member, you also have access to a documents library containing downloadable templates for policies, audits, risk assessments and RIDDOR. Your £1m excess-free insurance will help you defend health and safety prosecutions.

Get peace of mind by speaking to a health and safety expert. Call the Chamber Health & Safety advice line on 01455 852037. Members don’t have to book a call, simply pick up the phone. Whether it’s a general query or a serious problem, you will receive clear, friendly and practical advice.

Chamber Tax and VAT

When you receive a notice from HMRC about tax or VAT, it can be a worrying time. Members have unlimited access to our specialist tax advisory service. As a member, you can access guidance on a wide range of accountancy topics. These include corporation tax, VAT, income, expenses, benefits in kind and residency status. Your £1m excess-free insurance will cover a full HMRC tax investigation, as well as VAT and PAYE disputes.

Get peace of mind by speaking to a tax and VAT expert. Call the Chamber Tax & VAT advice line on 01455 852037. Members don’t have to book a call, simply pick up the phone. Whether it’s a general query or a HMRC enquiry, you will receive clear, friendly and practical advice.

Do you need help or advice?

For more information, please download the handbook or call the Chamber’s membership team on 0333 320 0333