23 Oct 2023

Chamber can support businesses hit by Storm Babet floods

Businesses in Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire affected by Storm Babet have been urged to contact East Midlands Chamber.

Major incidents have been declared by local authorities in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire following severe floods that have damaged hundreds of properties and closed numerous roads since Friday.

The chamber of commerce’s information team, which can be contacted by calling 0333 320 0333, can provide advice to businesses – whether or not they are Chamber members – on what they can do and where support is available in their local area.

East Midlands Chamber chief executive Scott Knowles said: “Major floods like we’ve seen during Storm Babet can cause huge anguish for business owners, but it’s important they know they aren’t alone and support is available.

“Our information team has already provided key advice to some businesses in our region since the floods hit at the end of last week, and we would urge anyone who would benefit from speaking to a friendly voice to get in touch.”

Some local authorities, including Derby City Council, have also asked employers in the area to encourage employees to work from home where possible to minimise traffic while a clean-up operation is carried out.

Scott added: “During an emergency like this, we are all in it together and there are small steps businesses may be able to take to offer their support, such as through encouraging staff to work from home, where this is possible, for a temporary period.

“It’s also important that all parties – such as local authorities, emergency services, central Government and other local stakeholders – co-ordinate effectively during the clean-up to help everyone get back on their feet as quickly as possible.”

To contact East Midlands Chamber’s information team, call 0333 320 0333 or email information@emc-dnl.co.uk