31 Mar 2023

Official approval for East Midlands Freeport is a ‘landmark moment’ for region’s economy, says Chamber

Commenting on the Government’s announcement yesterday (30 March) that East Midlands Freeport has been given formal approval to open for business, East Midlands Chamber chief executive Scott Knowles said: “This is a landmark moment for the East Midlands economy as the freeport has the potential to be a gamechanger for our region.

“Our region already has fantastic national and international trading links – something highlighted during the pandemic – and freeport status means we can cement our role as a Centre of Trading Excellence, something we have outlined in our latest Business Manifesto for Growth.

“This reflects how we have all the key ingredients – in our industrial heritage, leading-edge universities, central location, and the country’s largest freight airport – to be at the centre of Britain’s future global trading relationship and the drive towards net zero.

East Midlands Freeport, which is in a unique position as the UK’s only inland freeport, can be a catalyst for further opportunities that will drive major inward investment and create tens of thousands of new high-paid jobs in the net zero economy.

“Its focus on innovation and skills is critical as these are two of the biggest challenges facing businesses right now. If we can use the freeport to create clusters of firms in some of our region’s core sectors, including advanced manufacturing, logistics and aerospace, this will ramp up investment, accelerate research and development, and create a new generation of highly-skilled generation of workers.

“We’d encourage businesses to find out about how to get involved with the freeport, and the Chamber will be happy to offer support in this journey.”

Read the Government’s announcement about East Midlands Freeport here.